A look inside a $250 million mansion


TMS Founder
Pretty damn cool although it hasn't got a big garden but I guess it's impossible with a view that good.
The first few seconds are bit silly with a woman coming out of a helicopter and all, but it gets better.

0:43 why is there a catamaran in the middle of the house? It can't get out. It makes no sense.

That, coupled with the complete lack of information in the description, makes me wonder if this is actually real?
Somehow I think this is rendered, but it looks waaaaaay to good, even for modern renderings.
Stybar said:
0:43 why is there a catamaran in the middle of the house? It can't get out. It makes no sense.

That, coupled with the complete lack of information in the description, makes me wonder if this is actually real?
Somehow I think this is rendered, but it looks waaaaaay to good, even for modern renderings.

Oh it's real: https://www.google.be/maps/@34.0898636,-118.4410857,3a,75y,147h,71.05t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYODhH0vQfuDR1Qc1JMwwCA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 (not finished yet here though)
Also the heli on the roof doesn't have an engine, as the house does not have a heli landing permission.
Picture was taken in October 2015... So It might be built already, but it looks as though the video was just promo material.
Stybar said:
Picture was taken in October 2015... So It might be built already, but it looks as though the video was just promo material.
I guess, managed to find an extra video featuring the mansion:

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