3d Web Browser


Well-Known Member
Browse all sites in 3d. All you need it the program and a fast pc.

What is ExitReality for?

* View any webpage in 3D... every website is now a virtual world
* Turn your standard 2D web page into your own unique 3D space
* Meet and chat with people in 3D
* Search and explore thousands of online 3D communities and meet new people!

What Can I Do?

* Convert, decorate and share your Social Network Page in 3D
* Collect cool objects to add to your 3D space or apartment
* Create a 3D Avatar, chat with friends and meet new people
* Invite people to your virtual space
* Host real time parties and events at your online space

Get Started Now! - Download and Install ExitReality

Step 1: Convert your web page to 3D with a press of the ExitReality button
Step 2: Decorate and customize your web space... then show your friends
Step 3: Explore other 3D sites, worlds and chat in 3D



but this is resources are made for :tongue:.

Its funny for the first use but low framrates and it gets boring.
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