
Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what this is, but go to and type in:
Do not exit full-sceen when this starts, else it will redirect. If you notice the time, it's a live feed.

People say she's always there, sometimes naked. CreonSniper (the person who showed me this) said it's a russian test for the "perfect human", and apperntly this is their website: http://www.alfa-tsentr.ru/.

If that's true, why do so many people know about this?
How do you call the stream fake? It's not like a youtube video, she's always there.


Oh my God fear, August 20th 2009, that's some OLD shit!
Zezombia said:
How do you call the stream fake? It's not like a youtube video, she's always there.
It is fake. If you tune in from different timezones at the same time, you'll see her doing different things.

Zezombia said:
Oh my God fear, August 20th 2009, that's some OLD shit!
Yes, everything non-important that has happened over 5+ days, I consider old.


Holy shit! This is fuckin scary!

I turned it off right away after she looked dead at the camera! Anyway I'll watch some p0rn to get my mind off it :cool:
If it's fake, it's amazingly done.

What is she doing for you guys? She was writing something on a notebook on her knee
woozie said:
What is she doing for you guys? She was writing something on a notebook on her knee
Same for me o_O.

This probably isn't fake, my apologies.
:O Now she's naked on the floor and crying (I think)
Edit: Now she stopped crying, but shes still on the ground
[8/16/09 1:11:38 AM] redcti: Who is this?
[8/16/09 1:12:12 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: My name is not important. I represent an organization which you may be passing in familiarity with.
[8/16/09 1:12:27 AM] redcti: Alfa Tsentr, I'm guessing?
[8/16/09 1:12:50 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: I am concerned that you know who you are dealing with these people who claim to be liberators.
[8/16/09 1:13:01 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: These people are not who they claim to be.
[8/16/09 1:13:06 AM] redcti: Oh, I definitely know them.
[8/16/09 1:13:25 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: Please do not let your prejudice against my country and culture blind your judegment.
[8/16/09 1:13:48 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: These are dangerous terrorists like Taliban
[8/16/09 1:13:51 AM] redcti: I have no prejuidice against Russia.
[8/16/09 1:13:59 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: Well I am glad to hear this sir.
[8/16/09 1:14:10 AM] redcti: I am actually originally a Canadian; we do not hate the Russian Federation as much as those to the south of us do ;)
[8/16/09 1:14:37 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: We are monitoring many communications right now and find that inromation pertaining to our mirror host sites in North America has been divulged.
[8/16/09 1:14:50 AM] redcti: Mirror host sites? Which ones?
[8/16/09 1:14:58 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: This is not important.
[8/16/09 1:15:10 AM] redcti: Is it not? I'll leave that up to you.
[8/16/09 1:15:28 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: But we have reason to believe that this information could be used in harmful way if it fell into the wrong hands.
[8/16/09 1:15:40 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: Junsko Junsui is not who she says she is.
[8/16/09 1:15:54 AM] redcti: Who is she, then? She seems quite... shady.
[8/16/09 1:15:55 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: This is an actress in a commercial.
[8/16/09 1:15:58 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: Nothing more.
[8/16/09 1:16:03 AM] redcti: Commercial for what, then?
[8/16/09 1:16:35 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: It is a delusional person that we are tracking, we believe of Georgian or other separatist movement in Chechen Republic.
[8/16/09 1:16:48 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: Please understand my purposes.
[8/16/09 1:17:06 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: Do not divulge information to these dangerous people.
[8/16/09 1:17:22 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: I trust that I have your cooperation in this matter young man?
[8/16/09 1:17:28 AM] redcti: Oh, most definitely.
[8/16/09 1:17:41 AM] redcti: Also, Mr. Dubrovin, how convenient of me to contact you tonight; do you know of this character "David Flor"?
[8/16/09 1:17:44 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: Thank you then young Mr. Kerfia
[8/16/09 1:17:47 AM] redcti: Alias Nighthawk?
[8/16/09 1:18:24 AM] Alexander Dubrovin: This person we have seen in communications in past days between terrorists and individuals.


http://alfa-tsentr.ru/en/ looks liek real :o

She's gone; the room is empty!
Ok... With new IP it works again... I can see the room, empty ATM, but when I type something else than alfa-tsentr, it just works like normal google.
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