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  1. Aman1238

    Firefox, what the hell.

    Soo.. Mave likes having Firefox take up 3GB of RAM? I've also seen him post quite a lot that FF crashed and he couldn't reply to some posts. And I don't think it's fair to compare Cars and browsers.
  2. Aman1238

    Postal 3 Coming December 10th

    I read postal :unsure: Sounds good though, Postal 2 was fun :D
  3. Aman1238

    Epic nature pictures

    Child board and High res link sounds good :D I love that photograph!
  4. Aman1238

    Firefox, what the hell.

    If hardware issues by a simple browser doesn't make someone change and use a different one, then I don't know what will. So I'm just gonna stop telling anyone why Chrome is better.
  5. Aman1238

    2 years in TMS

    Congrats :D I missed my 3 year also :s
  6. Aman1238

    Firefox, what the hell.

    Seriously, if anyone has at least 4GB(Which almost everyone does), start using Chrome. For me, around ~8 tabs only uses 290,000K. That is only 7% of the total RAM out of 4GB. And, it wont lag at all as long as you have ram available.
  7. Aman1238

    Rockstar Considering Ports of San Andreas and Vice City

    This. I would play Vice City, but I don't wanna carry around a bluetooth controller.
  8. Aman1238

    Goliath Spider

  9. Aman1238

    GoldenEye 007: Reloaded – Launch Trailer

    The jump in the starting reminded me of Black Ops but that's about it. Also, it's using the same engine as the CODs, so that might be why.
  10. Aman1238

    On a wire

    Perspective :D
  11. Aman1238

    WTF 'n Cheese

    That was kinda weird. +1 :D She also makes vlogs everyday, pretty funny :D I watch them sometimes.
  12. Aman1238

    Tommy Verceti would be 55 this year.

    That house in the background was one of my favorites :3
  13. Aman1238

    Isn't nature beautiful?

    It's in Singapore :P
  14. Aman1238

    [Dopefish] This is Why I Love BF3

    I lol'd too :D Here's the full video btw, if anyone wants to see it.
  15. Aman1238

    Isn't nature beautiful?

    ^Laziness to a "new level" I see what you did thar. (Or not.)
  16. Aman1238


    My year would be done in 2 minutes ;_;
  17. Aman1238

    GTA V announced, first trailer on November 2

    SAME! But I really hoped they remade Vice City. That game was epic.
  18. Aman1238

    TobyGames Highlights - Bunny Suicides

    I just watched this like a couple of minutes ago XD
  19. Aman1238

    Post Your Desktop!

    ^Wallbase :3 Nice desktop
  20. Aman1238

    Battlefield 3 - Launch Trailer

    Does anyone have the soundtrack used in this trailer? Or the name will be fine too.. EDIT, Finally I found it, I've been googling almost every week.. Still not available to buy though.
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