Your dreams now recordable by a brain scanner


I shiggy diggy
The Netherlands

Shades of Minority Report (funny how much that movie is being invoked these days) but now even our dreams can be recorded thanks to some researchers at UC Berkeley.

Back last year about this time I wrote about how scientists were closing in on being able to read your mind but not happy leaving it there researchers have now found a way to extract what you are picturing inside your head and play it back on video.

The way it works is that a MRI machine watches the patterns that appear in your brain as you watch a movie and matches the patterns with the image on the screen. With that data a computer model was created that tries to predict relationships between a brain pattern and an image. From that a huge database was created that matches 18,000,000 seconds worth of random YouTube videos to possible brain patterns.

With this database in place, the Berkeley research group was then able to feed brain scans into their computer model, which would go pick out the 100 video clips that most closely matched the brain pattern on a second-by-second basis. All of these best-guess clips were smushed together into a single video, and when these videos were compared to the original clips that the test subjects were watching, there was a substantial, if slightly surreal, correlation:

Record a clip reconstructed from brain activity when a person is watching a clip reconstructed from brain activity. Should look pretty fucked up.
Seems to me as if the brain is stuck on prominent thoughts. if you watch through some of the clips you notice variations and changes that occur, many faces etc, its almost as if the brain is cycling through a sub-concious memory of all things related to what is shown.
Or, a person simply cannot solely focus on the picture in front of him and he is constantly thinking of multiple things, making the picture seem fuzzy/out of sync.
Vodkush said:
Seems to me as if the brain is stuck on prominent thoughts. if you watch through some of the clips you notice variations and changes that occur, many faces etc, its almost as if the brain is cycling through a sub-concious memory of all things related to what is shown.
Well, I think it is more or less the way it is recorded which causes this. Our brain reacts different each time we see something. Thus resulting into a different 1sec clip being taken from the 18 000 000 possible clips.
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