World's poshest prison


TMS Founder
Prison bosses are about to open the world's most luxurious jail with flatscreen TVs, its own recording studio - and even Banksy style murals.


The £160 million prison, near Oslo, Norway, gives 252 inmates a single en suite cell with its own bathroom and windows without bars.

Inside the maximum security prison, authorities have lavished more than £1 million on modern art, and even provided prisoners with a climbing wall.

Governor Arne Hoidal - who opens the jail next month - said: "We are very proud of what we have achieved.

"None of the windows have bars and they are made of unbreakable security glass so that people do not feel too claustrophobic."

Source : Ananova
Every robbers dream has come true.

They won't really give a crap when they go to jail now.

So did I get this wrong but, They are proud about ^ That?
World is fucked up.
I already know they spend lots of money on useless things, but Luxury Prisons?


^ Not just any facepalm, A special money-wasting facepalm.
ThePro said:
Sounds like a cool prison, but lmao, you're still trapped inside so...
You are trapped inside a prison with your own bathroom, Flatscreen, climbing wall, actual windows etc...
I wouldn't mind that for a year I think xD
GPow69 said:
Anybody got something I can steal?
You could steal a shitload (35) macbook pros from my school. Could give you a prsion sentence, if not Just burn the place DOWN!
Impulse said:
GPow69 said:
Anybody got something I can steal?
You could steal a shitload (35) macbook pros from my school. Could give you a prsion sentence, if not Just burn the place DOWN!

macbook pros?!?!??!!?!? and the pc's on my school run windows 95 with lag and don't have internet :facepalm:
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