World Cup 2010: Paul the Octopus dies


TMS Founder
Paul the Psychic Octopus, who won unlikely worldwide fame after correctly predicting a host of World Cup matches, has died.

Stefan Porwoll, manager of the Oberhausen Sea Life Centre in Germany, said: ''His success made him almost a bigger story than the World Cup itself.''

Paul predicted the winners of all Germany's World Cup clashes, and then of the final by selecting one of two boxes, each loaded with a mussel food treat and marked on the outside with one of the teams.

taff at the centre said his death was not entirely unexpected, since common octopuses generally only live a couple of years.

''He appears to have passed away peacefully during the night, of natural causes, and we are consoled by the knowledge that he enjoyed a good life here,'' said Mr Porwoll.

''We may decide to give Paul his own small burial plot within our grounds and erect a modest permanent shrine.''

Paul will live on meanwhile in the form of a range of commercial enterprises ranging from special clothing lines to mobile phone applications.

He will also feature in a documentary to be released early next year.

Why is there so much drama about a fucking octopus.
A documentary? Come on, are you serious?
Panki, it's all about the cash

People watch it, people pay for ads in the documentary, channels pay for the documentary, people pay for paul the octopus apps, advertisers pay for those paul the octopus apps on facebook.
ThePro said:
Panki, it's all about the cash

People watch it, people pay for ads in the documentary, channels pay for the documentary, people pay for paul the octopus apps, advertisers pay for those paul the octopus apps on facebook.
Money... Again...
Wasn't it very fucking obvious that the octopus picked the flag which had more yellow in it? Come on, some stupid animal can't "fool" the whole world.
Andre said:
Wasn't it very fucking obvious that the octopus picked the flag which had more yellow in it? Come on, some stupid animal can't "fool" the whole world.

Choosing the flag with the most yellow in it may be so, but it's a strategy none-the-less and it went in his favor because the teams he chose, actually won.

Would it be any different for a card counter in a game of blackjack to have a mathematical strategy to win the game? No, I didn't think so.
Nimphioüs said:
Would it be any different for a card counter in a game of blackjack to have a mathematical strategy to win the game? No, I didn't think so.

Well yes, because they would have thought about their mathematical strategy, and would have had to learned math in the first place to come up with it.

This is an octopus. He likes yellow.
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