White House Releases Dubstep Trailer for State of the Union


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White House Releases Dubstep Trailer for State of the Union

The White House is dropping more than the State of the Union on the American people tonight, it's also dropping the bass. The official White House YouTube account on Tuesday afternoon published a short trailer for the President's big speech and the soundtrack contains the unmistakable sounds of dubstep, the popular electronic dance music subgenre that includes Skrillex among its most famous practitioners.


We've reached out to the White House on who created the video and chose the soundtrack and will update when we hear back.

The White House doesn't just want Americans to vibe out to dubstep during the State of the Union, though. Viewers who turn into the White House's official apps for mobile or website will see an "enhanced" version of the speech with accompanying charts and graphs. Here's a preview of that experience.

It also remains to be seen whether the Republicans will be able to match this Democratic administration's appeal to a hipper demographic during this State of the Union news cycle. The GOP-led House of Representatives posted its own trailer for what it calls the "interactive Republican response," but the soundtrack is decidedly more traditional, featuring a tense string orchestra piece.

Source: http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/12/3982132/white-house-dubstep-trailer-state-of-the-union

Just wat.
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