What's up with the separate Modern Warfare 2 topics?


Well-Known Member
So hello! :ninja:

Since I have MW2 and screens and footage from it (soon on YouTube and my technically detailed review on TMS), I came here to post a few screen perhaps. But there has been one general thing bugging me about the game topics for a while: there are like seven topics about Modern Warfare, its minimal requirements, etc.

Here I count:
* https://forums.themavesite.com/index.php?topic=3513.0
* https://forums.themavesite.com/index.php?topic=3403.0
* https://forums.themavesite.com/index.php?topic=3035.0
* https://forums.themavesite.com/index.php?topic=3292.0
* https://forums.themavesite.com/index.php?topic=3204.0

I think that topics such as minimal requirements, first reviews or such should all go into ONE TOPIC. It probably wouldn't be right at the moment to make a new whole topic for Mw2, maybe join the topics? Or perhaps I could create a good Mw2 topic with informations, pictures, etc. etc. etc.

I would be glad if someone would think before making a new topic about Mw2 to write down a few lines and if some moderator kept order on the board :doh4:

And yeah, actually here are 2 pictures from Act 3, Contingency mission:

I really need to get that game... too bad its 18+ :sad3:

Maffia can oyu send it to me please :laugh:
My brother knows a site where you can buy just the key for 30 euros :D
I might buy it later today and then I have the key in the next minut xD
Andre, I agree with you very much.

Since you are a respected member of the TMS community; I decided to promote you to moderator of the Games board.
This might expand itself to being moderator on the news section too. (We'll see how you'll do :])

As you can see on the following image; your profile has the moderator status in the Games board only.
On other parts of the forum, you still have the Donator/VIP status.


I hope you'll take good care of our Games section !

Enjoy !
To be honest, my parents didn't let me buy +18 games either when I was -18. :sad3:
Yeah, that's cool. But is his voice recorded AFTER playing when he's editing them? Because it sounds and looks much like it is. :dry3:
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