What's the worst moment of your childhood?


TMS Founder
This is mine.


To sum it up = probably everything.
And no, I'm not trying to be sarcastic, or even funny.
My whole childhood has been one big fuckover and a horrible nightmare that just doesn't seem to stop.

3% fun
97% feeling like shit
I don't have sad moments, and unlike many others, I don't continue the sentence by saying that my whole childhood is sad. There have been some bitter moments though, such as when I watched Bambi's mum die, I've never seen it again, and I probably won't be seeing how the lion dies hopefully.
well, i must say i have had lots of ups and downs, but i think the worst that's happend to me is when i lost my dog. i had her since i was 8 years old, and lost her winter 2009. it was a rough time for me :) but time changes and life is great at this point
^ In my childhood, nothing bad happened, but in my life, I must say my best friend as well, I was still having fun with him a few weeks ago..
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