What you doing these days?


var nerd; nerd = db_getUser("rafay");
Post anything you are doing these (current) days.

I'm preparing for my exams, first on 25/MAR.
Oh and also bodybuilding since 1 month. Already grew a cut between my arm muscles and my chest came out slightly than before. I'll post pics soon!
Since I don't have to do a crap for school and still get good grades (while I'm doing VWO) I play games most of the times :P
This topic doesn't meet the requirements to fit in this board on the forum. - Moving to lounge
Currently vacationing.

And I've been going to the gym for months now, a little longer than you Rafay. Feels good to be strong and fit eh
I've been skating lots, every chance I get, other than that just hangin' out with friends, nothing out of the ordinary. When I'm at home I usually play COD4
Alot of school assignments and school related 'stuff'.

Also like to "mang" out with friends and stuff, games & youtube. Not alot going on right now.
Well, here are some pictures of my so far arm-muscles, it was plain before my hard work.


Feeling so shy posting them :wub:
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