Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,140 Location Belgium Sep 30, 2010 #1 Definitely racism. hrOSL85ZMck[/media]#
Impulse LozL Messages 7,847 Sep 30, 2010 #2 Damn, that's pretty bad indeed o.O Though I've got to say, the end is epic.
GPow69 EDM for life ♥ Messages 18,837 Location Canada Oct 1, 2010 #3 Wow, what a great experiment, that's actually pretty amazing
P [Pwi]CadBane Oldest Member Messages 113 Location New York USA Oct 1, 2010 #5 Dont take this Wrong but HYarJObV7s4[/media]#ws I THINK IT FITS PERFECT!
K Kitty Meow Messages 518 Location Sarasota FL Oct 1, 2010 #6 LOL that was one finny messed up video'