What do you have new?


Well-Known Member
What new stuff do you have?

I have a new php book, it tells you everything about php and even a workshop how to programm your own (basic) forum :)
And I have a new toothbrush :D

Do you have something new? :)
And I have a new toothbrush

I also got a new one :blushing3:

I got "new" credit for my phone (basically so i can call people on teh mobile) :badboy:

I got new condoms :mellow:

I got new socks

And I got a new lighter

All are serious, my parents spoil me rotten :doh3:


Will be mine soon.
Uhm Killer7, why the hell do you want a gun?
Or is it so dangerous where you live?


I got a new personal message :T
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