Weirdest bluescreen ever...


TMS Founder
Okay so I was watching a new episode of CSI:Miami with VLC on my laptop.

Now somewhere in the middle of the video, the screen suddenly freezes, and nothing responds, moments after that... a bluescreen.

I let the laptop restart and all, and start watching the video again, again at the same time, the same thing happens (freeze then bluescreen)

I tested it again, and yes it turned into a bluescreen again, I removed the file and watched a family guy episode instead.

Nothing bad happened.

I guess the file was bigtime corrupt or something...
^Yea, that may cause the problem...

I suppose you were getting a STOP: 0x000blablablanumbers error on a blue screen, which caused the restart... Usually that's if the system overheats or if the file you're trying to access is "bigtime corrupt"... I think a registry clean would do that... But if that happened only with that movie... I suggest scanning it...

That's from my SMALL PC knowledge ;_;
That's weird.

I've also had some weird bluescreens, and I know how to cause them. For example if I start GTA SA MP (Only MP, doesn't happen with SP) and have Limewire open at the same time. Poof. Bluescreen.

I also know a few more for my PC :P
Well, they're gonna not work anymore, I just got my new PC in the mail :D

Gonna build it on Saturday so my dad can observe and make sure I don't screw anything up :)
GPow69 said:
Gonna build it on Saturday so my dad can observe and make sure I don't screw anything up :)

That's smart, I doubt it that I could wait, I would just want to build it the moment I get it :P
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