[URGENT!] Ipod Touch - Istore Account Help D:


TMS Founder
I need to have an account, only problem :

I don't have visa/mastercard/any other pay method that is listed there ...
I also don't have a gift code...

There's no 'none' option or 'paypal'

Please help me finding a solution :(

-> Note that I don't need the US solution, but the Europe one
Here we can create a virtual credit card that last for 1 month, see if you can create one too. We first go to the ATM machine and they give us an account and next we can create the virtual credit cards on a website.
k I passed this problem, now another one appears, the .itms extension in all my browsers aint working
Trying to fix this now//
Well I couldn't open the confirmation link, but I'm using someone else's account now, so no worries :V
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