[TUTORIAL] Email Bombs


Today I'm gonna show you how to sand an Email bomb. It's very easy, all you have to do is some clicking.

1. Make a new .TXT file and write something in it, a simple "1" is enough.
2.Upload it to Rapidshare.
3.Scroll a bit down, you should see "Share the download link" or something similar.
4.Enter as name Nerdmaster or something.
5.Remove the thick from the Deletelink box.
6.Enter your victims email in every line.
7.Click the button. Then, hover over the new tab with the mouse, close it, and keep doing this:
Press enter, Press MMB, Press enter,...

If it shows you that you've send too many mails, just wait a few seconds.

Do it with a few friends, so the victim gets even more mails!
Re: Email Bombs

Email bombs just fail in Gmail, that's why I love it.
Re: Email Bombs

Crackster said:
There is a simple PHP Snippet out there wich sends 5000 Mails at once...
(I'm not going to post that in here.)
Great job bro, we just killed the internet. This code snippet is SO ELITE it may NOT be posted ANYWHERE on the INTERNET. Oh boy is TMS going to be famous.
for($i = 0; $i < 5000; $i++)
    mail("admin@crackster.info", "usuk" . $i, "hai bud this is ur spam number " . $i . " enjoy kthx", "From: TMS@lols.com");
Not only-PHP actually. Do you want PAWN, Python, Perl, C++, C# versions of it?
Re: Email Bombs

My entire server is mail-bomb protected.

If an account receives over 200 messages with the same title and from the same person, it is blacklisted from my mail server.

If anyone is mass-mailing it will temporarily disable the account until you CHMOD public_html back to 777

Re: Email Bombs

Nimphioüs said:
Won't work with pawn :)
Actually it will. Do you know what PAWN is in general? It is a scripting language, not something made by or for SA-MP. There is a PAWN library that provides mail functions and even SA-MP has a plugin that allows you to send e-mails from a Windows or a *nix server. So it will work with PAWN with the necessary library compiled or plugin for SA-MP. You fail kthx.
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