Turkish airlines


TMS Founder
Well, they must of been really stupid when doing this... They could of just put the plane with the nose up >.>
Technically the dumbass here is whoever put the ad up, cause I bet it was designed to be horazontal anyway :P
GP is right guys, maybe the person who put it up even hung it like this on purpose.
Yep i guess.

BTW let me tell you my story about turkish airlines

I was doing a trip 'round the middle east and turkey, i was in israel right that moment, i took a plane to go to turkey, the plane was a new airbus plane which had those individual screens and stuff (it was a 2 hour flight), really cool, i was really happy with the airline, service was great.

Then i came back to israel and basicly, i got in a plane which had.. a rly old projector instead of screens (not even screens every 4 seats or something) and the plane was really old, it did work though, no worry's, it was a short flight so, no problemo, but before i got on to the plane, i did get frisked, so did my 6 year old brother, cause we were from another location (there were stickers on your passport that had eithar, turkish, israeli, other) so yeah, but the WORSE part ever was that.. when the plane landed, it seems it landed too fast so, it touches the ground, and then the nose goes UP!!! i swear i almost shitted my pants, then it landed, quite a scary flight
Well, planes usually flare, meaning the noes goes up BEFORE the touchdown, so the rear wheels land first.
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