Troll youtube, script that breaks youtube and its comments


TMS Founder

There's a great debate on who's to blame; it's either 4chan, or ebaumsworld.


Rofl AWESOME !!!

This is just amazing xDD
I lol'd at the guy who was redirected to another video of a guy reveling his anus xDD !!

Seems like YouTube fixed this already, good work, YT staff.

Also wanted to point out that this can happen in every big site that has a lot of visitors, exploits happen everywhere.
I was right there at the moment it started.....on 4chan......
4chan is totally responsible for this, and some "newfags" tried to blame ebaumsworld.

Edit: Ahem, i forgot rule 1 & 2: /b/ is totally responsible for this
This type of attack is called an XSS attack.

You execute a script using one of the websites functions, in this case the comment box.

XSS can be client sided or server sided.

Client sided:
Client enters a command / JS function to execute into a form or URL

Client programs a script to input certain values into the form at the targets website

In this case, many people injected the personal JS file for the video with their code.

To display a message through a vulnreable website using XSS an attacker would execute the following code;
function show_alert() {
var msg = "Warning you haz a virus dude! GTFO";

Personally i could have never imagined YouTube had an XSS vulnreability after all these years... I doubt there's gonna be any more found since YouTube is on high alert for these type of attacks and they've hired some people to check the site to maintain security.

Hopefully the information i have just provided does not go to any type of illegal use and I am not responsible if in any case it does go to illegal use.

4chan = 1
I wasn't trolling xD

Wikipedia = smart

Saying I'm like the Wikipedia = DEFINITE comment! :D
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