[TMS] Dangerous site ?


Well-Known Member
Hey eeehm I have FireFox and the "WOT" add-on and it gives me the "red dot" ( not a good sign ) eeehm is it the site or the ads ? :s
How the hell would this be a bad site, we are using wordpress, a public blog script and SMF, a public forums script.
meh guys I forgot to tell you I have a little JavaScript running here. It isn't blocked by NoScript and it infects you with my latest virus and you're automatically a part of my botnet. :ninja:
Andre said:
meh guys I forgot to tell you I have a little JavaScript running here. It isn't blocked by NoScript and it infects you with my latest virus and you're automatically a part of my botnet. :ninja:
:O that's why my PC keeps saying that all my passwords are stiken
Everyone can vote a site in WOT, maybe some stupid people voted the site down..
Just vote the site up again and everything is fine (I will help).
I have an activity score of 2.4K ;) I make a great effect on any site i rate :)
I'm quite sure it WAS CreonSniper.
The fucker's so failed and got pwned in some other topic.
I've rated and commented too.
Put a +1 on my comment and -1 on the child safety comment.
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