The Evolution of FPS Gaming


The evolution of gaming from 1993 - 2010, with a small prediction of the future
Re: The Evolution of Gaming

What. I really don't see the evolution of gaming in that way.
Mauri said:
Impulse said:
Mauri said:
What. I really don't see the evolution of gaming in that way.
Forgot to add FPS to the title >.>
But if you think about it, it is true :P

Still, I don't see it in that way.
Have you ever played a game like Doom, Wolfenstein or Duke Nukem?
Then compare it to the path you take in a FPS like Cod
No, I haven't, but I do have a idea what kind of maps those game has. And in my opinion FPS games like COD4 or MW2 has good and enough wide maps.
That's what drove me nuts with Tomb Raider Legend. You walk through and shoot everything. No big puzzles, like in the old games or Anniversary.
Ah, first Tomb Raiders were for the fucking win. It's like the only game where corpses didn't vanished while completing the map.
Yes indeed. I loved to find all the artifacts to solve the puzzle.
And TR:L? Just another 3rd Person shooter >>
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