The current forum theme : Ferrytema [Updates & Comments]


TMS Founder
TMS Forum has a new theme | Ferrythema

This theme was heavily modified (images) by Gpow69. Who we are very grateful to for doing this.

Now this topic will serve as a topic to post suggestions for the theme (color change, other logo,..)
Or to post what you (not) like about this forum.


Update #1 20/09/09

Changed header background to a blue gradient
+Changed title background to a blue gradient
- Gpow69

Update #2 22/09/09

Fixed a little CSS color bug

- Mave
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

Tnx for credits! ;D

I'll redesign the "NEW" image like you asked
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

One thing I myself find about this theme though, is that it's maybe a bit too uhm 'flatten'?
Maybe too much grey, IDK, I like it of course though.
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

Awesome !

BTW : Edit the image on the bottom too :T
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

Please change the logo. Not the logo's color. If needed, I'm here to design a new one.
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

Very sweet !

I lovez0r it :T
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

Rafay said:
Please change the logo. Not the logo's color. If needed, I'm here to design a new one.

No thanks.

Logo is fucking awesome in my opinion

[TMS]Slayer said:
Header background looks a little bit flat :/. Everything else looks awesome :P

You're seeing the blue one right?
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

I love it
It would have been even more awsome if the "post" button etc could also be changed to this theme
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

GPow69 said:
Rafay said:
Please change the logo. Not the logo's color. If needed, I'm here to design a new one.

No thanks.

That's because you made it. Seriously, it doesn't even matches the theme.
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

Its Mave's opinion that matters here

Make a logo, post it, and we'll see.
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

It's actually an ok theme, I like it.
Re: New theme for forums | Ferrytema

I think you can make the header link somewhere from the .CSS file.
Just find the header/logo area and put "url: index.php" or something... you'll find the right stuff yourself.
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