Teacher Orders Class to Line Up and Punch 5-Year-Old Devarius


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Teacher Orders Class to Line Up and Punch 5-Year-Old Devarius Mobley in the Face

It seems 5-year-old Devarius Mobley has a problem with punching other kids in class, frustrating his teachers beyond reason. Two months ago, a classroom surveillance cam caught the little boy punching a girl...

Unfortunately for the teacher at Robindell Private School in Houston, it also caught her throwing up her hands and motioning for the little girl to hit Devarius back. That got the teacher fired.

School director Chuck Wall knew Devarius was torturing teachers and fellow students, but for some reason didn't expel him
​But other instructors had also grown frustrated with Devarius (not him pictured above) punching kids. The other day, he came home and told his mom, Barbara Mobley, that he'd gotten in a fight during a field trip to Chuck E. Cheese. Then she learned of his punishment.

It seems the teacher driving the van, also tired of the rotten little boy, ordered the other kids to each punch Devarius in the face as they climbed aboard. At least a dozen kids happily followed her order. That teacher was also fired.

Chuck Wall, a director and owner of the school, doesn't condone what the teachers did. But he also understands their frustration. "This was a good person, a good teacher, frustrated with a
child, tired of him hitting other kids," he told Fox-26 of the teacher fired in the Chuck E. Cheese incident.

"...This has happened twice with the same child. Never before in our history has this happened -- where we have a caught a teacher telling somebody to hit a child back, which I think does a lot to show what kind of child we're dealing with."

Which leaves us with one small question: Since Wall is well aware of what kind of kid Devarius is, why hasn't he been expelled? Could Wall be slightly more interested in his tuition money, rather than the safety of students or the sanity of faculty?
See out last round of weirdness from Chuck E. Cheese: Little Girl Helps Parents Steal Purse: Caught on Tape.

Source : http://www.truecrimereport.com/2010/03/teacher_orders_class_to_line_u.php
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