T-Rex for sale


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The skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex is expected to sell for a staggering £4.8 million when it is auctioned next month.


The 66-million-year-old female dinosaur, which has been named Samson, is 15 feet tall by 40 feet long and is one of the largest ever discovered.

Experts have mounted the skeleton ready for sale at the Venetian hotel, Las Vegas, on October 3. It had previously been stored in a crate.

Thomas Lindgren, co-consulting Director of Natural History at auctioneers Bonhams & Butterfields, said: "We have had tremendous worldwide interest in Samson.

"Although we cannot predict who the successful buyer will be, it is our hope that a museum or institution will find the funding to purchase it.

"I estimate it will sell for between £3.6 million and £4.8 million. Samson is one of the largest known Tyrannosaurus specimens ever discovered.

"It boasts an undistorted and virtually complete skull, which is considered to be one of the most complete in existence."

Samson was found in South Dakota, United States, in 1987 and excavated in 1992.

Source : Ananova
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