

A.K.A The_Dude
I'm not coming near this mac for the next week, because I can feel I'm about to snap, and go crazy + A-hole against you guys.
I can just feel it coming (nothing suicidal, just suppressed emotions from a dark time).
Cya guys in a week.
It's okay man, you'll get your PC back soon enough and it'll be great :D

At least you have something to browse the web on, if I had nothing at all I'd be bored out of my mind every day D:
GPow69 said:
It's okay man, you'll get your PC back soon enough and it'll be great :D

At least you have something to browse the web on, if I had nothing at all I'd be bored out of my mind every day D:
this is already happening for me for 52 days straight, cause i have very limited access with this piece of ****.
And the worse part is 20 more days remain.
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