[SOLVED] Connected to wi-fi, but no internet access


TMS Founder
So I installed this 'iphonemodem' app earlier today at school, worked fine.

I go home, want to browse the web, when I notice my internet isn't working...

I am connected to the wi-fi, but not to the internet.

Every other computer is connected to the net at home.

I've tried;

Resetting the router
Restarting the router
Renewing the lease
Turning off the adapter
Resetting the winsock shizzle
And a lot more..

Still not able to browse the web on my laptop (must have restarted like 20 times already..)

Any help, TMS? :(
Re: Connected to wi-fi, but no internet access

Open the CMD (Windows + R, insert CMD and press enter)

Write ipconfig /release

Write ipconfig /renew
Re: Connected to wi-fi, but no internet access

^ Tried that before, didn't work.

Seems like the problem randomly fixed itself after 4 hours >.>

Well shit, I've been having this issue ever since I got my iPod. I'm connected to my internet, but I can't use Safari, the app store, or really anything that uses the internet.
I don't have a clue how I actually solved it, I did so many things..
Must have typed like over 20 different things in cmd, restarted several times, went into my router settings, restarted router,...
Guess I solved the problem on the way, but it needed some time, or another restart.

I don't have any issues with my iPhone at home, only that it forgets the password every now and then O_o
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