Rob Ford tells Fox News: ‘I want to run for Prime Minister’


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Rob Ford tells Fox News: ‘I want to run for Prime Minister’


Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is still committed to seeking re-election in October of 2014, but if politics doesn’t work out he will already be a conservative media star.

After Sun News Network announced it would begin airing Ford Nation — a weekly one-hour program to be hosted by Rob and brother Doug Ford — the mayor also made an appearance on Fox News on Sunday to defend himself against his growing list of critics and announce his interest in running for prime minister one day.

Speaking to the American news channel’s John Roberts, Ford remained defiant and vowed to stay on to “fight for the little guy.”


Roberts, a former MuchMusic VJ who’s been working in the States for about two decades, says Ford refused to get into details about the crack scandal but reiterated his apologies.

“I’ve admitted to using illegal drugs in the last year, OK. I’ve admitted to drinking too much, OK,” an exasperated Ford said. “I am training every day. I’m in the gym for two hours every day. I’m seeking professional help. I’m not an alcoholic. I’m not a drug addict.”


Ford also apparently has higher ambitions than the Toronto mayoralty, as revealed in a full transcript of his appearance obtained by the Toronto Star, telling Roberts “Yes, one day I do want to run for prime minister.”

The mayor, who had some of his powers stripped by city council last week, also predicted a Stephen Harper win over Justin Trudeau in 2015.

“Well you know, let me clarify one thing. No I don’t believe Mr. Trudeau’s gonna be the next PM, I believe Mr. Harper’s gonna get re-elected as PM,” said Ford. “He’s done a fantastic job and the finance minister Jim Flaherty’s done a fantastic job; you look at their record and put it to Mr. Trudeau’s record, it’s like night and day.”

“Illegal drugs are illegal drugs,” Ford added, apparently in reference to Trudeau’s admission of smoking pot as an MP.

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