Pectus Carinatum.


Well-Known Member
Hello guys, it's me blubber !

Okay so hum... "Pectus Carinatum" ? wtf is that ?

This is it :

( It isn't me on the pic ;) )

Does any one know something about this ?!

I fucking have this :( !
I know this is horrible.. But I wear "large" clothes, so no one sees it !

I'm doing VERY HARD bodybuilding training !
But the question is, do you think my body would change ?
WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHIT... ok just kidding. That's not a dramatic problem you know.
My chest is a little forward too but not that much and doesn't have such bump. I mean my upper torso is like... tough... :pimp:

Don't worry dude.
Andre said:
I say you go for the surgery! :smile3:

Hum how can you say that :s !
I don't want a "scar" ( cicatrice in French )..

Mave said:
It looks like a muscled chest... without muscles.
Poor you, Blubber :/

It doesn't look like a muscled chest :s ! :-\

I hate it when the girls are trying to touch me at this place :/ !
Blubber said:
Andre said:
I say you go for the surgery! :smile3:
Hum how can you say that :s !
I don't want a "scar" ( cicatrice in French )..
I don't know too well but the scar can be retracted with some surgery/surgeries.
You scale the difference between being ashamed of your body because of some weird hump or having a little scar tissue on your stomach.

It really ain't that bad for you! :D
Mave said:
Just go for the surgery, or else you will regret it later on :/

But now I'm doing bodybuilding just like the doctor said.
He said, in 2 or 3 month I will see a difference.

My brother has the opposite. He has Pectus Excavatum.

( Not that much )

And he is doing bodybuilding since he is 17 ( He is now 20 ) and yes the difference between "before/after" is really big :s...

I just hope this will work :/.

I will post some pics of me if I have the "bravery" ( courage in French :s )
If that is the Pectus Cancaria (whatever) thing then I'm chuck fuckin' norris.
That's nowhere as close as the one on the first picture. I mean... maybe a little but if that is the thing then I have it too (well not really tho).
My chest is a little forward too... but that's normal when you have a good build. I mean... your problem... there basically is no problem.
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