Oslo police awarded "Tweet of the year" in Norway


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The Oslo police has started a Twitter account in order to communicate with the public, inform about what they're doing, etc., and it's a really good service. In addition to being useful, some of the tweets they put out are really funny, and in a recent social media event, the following tweet was awarded "Tweet of the year":

We were informed about an ongoing disturbance with screaming women. When we arrived we found a party for nurses. We'll be leaving the scene soon.

Some other good ones from the Oslo police:

We've received complaints about a street musician who plays only one song. Has been going on for months, the police requests a broader repertoire.


A person was waving a machete around by the railway station. The police were quickly at the scene to arrest the man. This is not the intended use of machetes.


[Local pond]: no drowning. A woman had been bathing without clothes, her husband arrived with a towel, and they walked home wearing only that. The lady was very embarrassed.


The moose has now left the address and is likely back in the forest with his friends


Police arrived at the scene of a reported domestic disturbance. Someone had been talking ill about mother-in-law. The peace has been reestablished.


We've received no more messages about the poodle. Let's hope it's "permanent" and that it's found its way back home.


While we're working on these important tasks, someone has reported three escaped horses by Gaustad. If you find them, catch them and call us. Thanks!


A patrol just arrived at Gaustad, but they've forgotten their lasso so they can't catch the horses. Standing by and observing.

Source: http://www.osloby.no/oslopuls/Oslopolitiet-skrev-Arets-tweet-7112663.html
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