Norway kicks out Christianity from their constution on 21st of May this year


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The article is in the Norway language, but below is a translation by Google Translate.

Go Norway.

Proposed Constitutional provisions on the state church system, state standards and human rights obligations

The undersigned promote with this proposal to repeal the provisions of the Constitution that directly or indirectly favors the Christian Lutheran religion over other religions and beliefs. It also promoted alternative text that aims to highlight the main aspects of the Norwegian constitution and Norway's human rights obligations.

Proposers believe that it will be right in principle to abolish the system of state church.

Norway has always been and remains a society with a religious diversity. The state should not promote a particular religion or require that people in certain positions of responsibility to profess a particular religion.

The state is responsible for ensuring respect for every human religion, and a system of state church stands after the signing perception in conflict with democratic principles such as religious freedom and belief-related equality. Proposers wish to emphasize the common values ​​that exist in the human rights and that this, and not a particular religion should provide a value-based starting point for the state.

It is proposed to introduce a new § 2, which is intended to emphasize the democratic values ​​inherent in our constitution and our commitments to human rights.

I don't mind religions, I welcome them to talk to me (forevs alone) and state their case, (i also like to prove them wrong), and if they make compelling arguments that I can't disprove, I'd gladly consider hearing more from them, however I do not like it when (America again) favours certain religions over another, because that makes the majority (America) hate all other forms of religion (Generally Islam) - So good move Norway, good move.
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