New 'superbug' found in UK hospitals


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A new superbug that is resistant to even the most powerful antibiotics has entered UK hospitals, experts warn.


They say bacteria that make an enzyme called NDM-1 have travelled back with NHS patients who went abroad to countries like India and Pakistan for treatments such as cosmetic surgery.

Although there have only been about 50 cases identified in the UK so far, scientists fear it will go global.

Tight surveillance and new drugs are needed says Lancet Infectious Diseases.
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“Start Quote

The fear would be that it gets into a strain of bacteria that is very good at being transmitted between patients”

End Quote Dr David Livermore Researcher from the HPA

* Q&A: NDM-1 superbugs

NDM-1 can exist inside different bacteria, like E.coli, and it makes them resistant to one of the most powerful groups of antibiotics - carbapenems.

These are generally reserved for use in emergencies and to combat hard-to-treat infections caused by other multi-resistant bacteria.

And experts fear NDM-1 could now jump to other strains of bacteria that are already resistant to many other antibiotics.

Ultimately, this could produce dangerous infections that would spread rapidly from person to person and be almost impossible to treat.

At least one of the NDM-1 infections the researchers analysed was resistant to all known antibiotics.

Similar infections have been seen in the US, Canada, Australia and the Netherlands and international researchers say that NDM-1 could become a major global health problem.

Infections have already been passed from patient to patient in UK hospitals.


The way to stop NDM-1, say researchers, is to rapidly identify and isolate any hospital patients who are infected.

Normal infection control measures, such as disinfecting hospital equipment and doctors and nurses washing their hands with antibacterial soap, can stop the spread.

And currently, most of the bacteria carrying NDM-1 have been treatable using a combination of different antibiotics.

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Not trying to descriminate. But I blame 3rd world countries for this. They offer cheap cosmetic surgery, though they are not clean people.

Look at Asia and the swine flu.
Nimphioüs said:
Not trying to descriminate. But I blame 3rd world countries for this. They offer cheap cosmetic surgery, though they are not clean people.

I'm in what could be considered the 3rd world.

We got better doctors then in europe, and private hospitals are like heaven (can't say the same about public (free) hospitals)
Where did the virus come from?

Researchers say the virus probably first emerged in humans sometime in 2008. It probably had been circulating in Mexico for months but was mistaken as the regular flu until the rash of outbreaks in the spring and the identification of the new H1N1 in April 2009.

Scientists have been working to track changes to the new flu virus, including its history. The current strain of H1N1 originated in pigs, which are easily infected with flu viruses from other pigs, birds and humans. Pigs can become mixing pots for viruses to swap genes and mutate.

Scientists say the gene-swapping that gave rise to the newly discovered swine flu virus happened 10 or 20 years ago, and the triple virus spread among pigs for years. But until recently, the virus wasn't able to spread among people. It acquired that ability only last year, when the older triple virus combined again with two other pig viruses that circulated in North American and Eurasian swine.
ThePro said:
We got better doctors then in europe, and private hospitals are like heaven (can't say the same about public (free) hospitals)

Nimphioüs said:
Where did the virus come from?

Researchers say the virus probably first emerged in humans sometime in 2008. It probably had been circulating in Mexico for months but was mistaken as the regular flu until the rash of outbreaks in the spring and the identification of the new H1N1 in April 2009.

ThePro said:
We got better doctors then in europe, and private hospitals are like heaven (can't say the same about public (free) hospitals)

are u kidding?
in norway we have free medical care as long as u pay taxes, : p u have to pay shitloads of cahs every single time u hurt urself : p
Mave said:
ThePro said:
We got better doctors then in europe, and private hospitals are like heaven (can't say the same about public (free) hospitals)

Nimphioüs said:
Where did the virus come from?

Researchers say the virus probably first emerged in humans sometime in 2008. It probably had been circulating in Mexico for months but was mistaken as the regular flu until the rash of outbreaks in the spring and the identification of the new H1N1 in April 2009.


Mexico is not the same thing as Argentina.

Corsefied said:
ThePro said:
We got better doctors then in europe, and private hospitals are like heaven (can't say the same about public (free) hospitals)

are u kidding?
in norway we have free medical care as long as u pay taxes, : p u have to pay shitloads of cahs every single time u hurt urself : p

the free hospitals have good doctors, but the hospitals are in bad conditions due to the lack of funds
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