New new chat box.


Well-Known Member
I made my own chatbox script (so there won't be ads). Unfortunately it's currently very basic, and there's no name registering or message deleting (may change in the future if people don't start yelling "it sux!").

- Browser Support -
Firefox: Working
IE: Working But ugly.
Opera: Working
Chrome: Working
Safari: Untested Presumed Working.
I made a PHP/AJAX chatbox script once, it was epic. :P

But I like this one, simple and doesn't redirect you to pr0nz and ab-building websites.

Though if you could epic-ly integrate it with SMF, you could make it so it shows your SMF username...stops impersonation and dumbasses *cough*Nimphious.
The chatbox now has a name registering system and an admin system (speak on xFire if u want admin).

Report bugs kthx.
Is there any way to make it work with Firefox? Annoying when it says that I have to download some plug-in and then it says there's nothing what to download :mellow:
There's a slight problem..

I registered my name (ev0lution) and wrote something like:
"What's the advantage of registering your name? Other people can't use it?"
which turned to:
"What\'s the advantage of registering your name? Other people can\'t use it?"

Noticing the failed quote-escaping, I wrote:
":P failed escape quote.. ' ' ' ' ' " " " " ""
which turned to:
":P failed escape quote.. \' \' \' \' \' \" \" \" \" \"her people can\'t use it?"

The new message replaced half of the old one...
Then simply don't use quotes xD.


It's odd how it doesn't do that on my localhost:


New browser support!
FeaR said:
I want admen, zezombia

Fuck that.

Suggestion: Can you make something so you can stay logged in between sessions? :woot:

Other than that suggestion, Its awesome, works great and I love it :7
^ That would be called COOKIES. (Not cookies here, the stuff that remembers you @ web places.)

Zez, make a moderator level instead of administrator :)
I already know the script works, I need to know if the iframe works xD.

At first I was using embed, but only Opera and Chrome could view it.
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