Mum sells breast milk online


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A Devon mother produced so much breast milk that she decided to bottle it up and sell it online.

Toni Ebdon, 26, of Exeter, has 10 regular customers who she charges £15 for 4oz of breast milk, reports the Daily Mail.

The single mum gave birth earlier this year to a boy, David, but found she was producing more than enough milk for him.

So she decided to use the internet as a way of making sure the breast milk didn't go to waste, as well as earning a bit of money.

But Ms Ebdon said her customers were using the milk for its healing properties.

"I was expecting women who couldn't breast feed to get in touch but instead all the responses were from men," she said.

"I tend not to ask too many questions or pry into people's private lives. All communication prior to the sale is done via email and I meet the customer in person to hand over the milk.

"I haven't made loads of money but there's plenty more milk to come and I intend to carry on selling it until it dries up."

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