Mother-daughter porn duo seeks ‘real-life’ father-son team.


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Mother-daughter porn duo seeks ‘real-life’ father-son team.


The days of MSW (that’s ‘man seeks woman’ for those of you not down with the kids) and having a GSOH (good sense of humour) seem to be replaced by M/DPDSF/SE (mother/daughter porn duo seeks father/son equivalent). Well for one mother-daughter team in Tampa, Florida at least.

A mother and daughter porn duo are on the look out for a father and son team to film with. Bringing a whole new meaning to the term family bonding, the cleverly named ‘The Sexxxtons’, Jessica, 56 and Monica, 22, have spent the past 18 months creating and filming for their website – named after themselves. Because we all know porn is known for, if nothing else, its brilliantly thought out titles and well scripted plot themes.

Before you get worried in any way, though they might share scenes and even partners, they never step over the boundaries of the law, keeping it incest-free. Now they’re stepping up their game and searching the nation for a like-minded father and son team for their next venture. This is something they’ve been thinking long and hard about (I couldn’t help myself) for a while now, Jessica informs the Huffington post that though they once dated brothers “we haven’t done a father and son in real life or on camera.” Aww.

Taking their business rather seriously they are adamant that they will only perform and film for the right candidates. Their search criteria being rather strict, with potential applicants needing to be “good looking and not fat”. And they have to be related as earlier attempts with a non-related “father” and “son” provided less then satisfactory results. “The ‘dad’ looked like the “cockroach” guy from Men in Black,” is how Monica eloquently describes one of their failed attempts.

Fairly predictably, it’s not just the bonding/bondage time that appeals, both women are fuelled by aspirations of something more sought after than sex – money. Becoming filthy rich in fact.

For research purposes, I have now seen things I cannot un-see and no amount of deleting my browser history will fix that. Needless to say I’m glad I no longer live with my parents.

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