ThePro Well-Known Member Messages 2,403 Location Washington, DC Nov 5, 2010 #1 O2snTpZawU0[/media]&feature=player_embedded#
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,143 Location Belgium Nov 5, 2010 #3 That's actually pretty scary, time traveller spotted!
Fries Ciao! Messages 1,963 Location Bronx, New York Nov 5, 2010 #4 I KNEW IT! In the future we have time travel, so we go back in time and try not to fck things up, but we do anyway but in the end the past turns out like it is now.
I KNEW IT! In the future we have time travel, so we go back in time and try not to fck things up, but we do anyway but in the end the past turns out like it is now.
Grazy. Well-Known Member Messages 2,015 Nov 6, 2010 #7 There could be plenty of explanations why is he/she holding his/her (I'm not even sure) something next to his/her ear, or just holding his/her ear.
There could be plenty of explanations why is he/she holding his/her (I'm not even sure) something next to his/her ear, or just holding his/her ear.
Fries Ciao! Messages 1,963 Location Bronx, New York Nov 6, 2010 #8 Yeah, he could just be trying to fit on his bluetooth headset.
Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,143 Location Belgium Nov 6, 2010 #9 ^ Now that made me lol.
Andre Well-Known Member Messages 2,499 Nov 7, 2010 #10 wtf is a chaplin... shit's pretty surrealistic!
ThePro Well-Known Member Messages 2,403 Location Washington, DC Nov 7, 2010 #11 you don't know chaplin?
P [Pwi]CadBane Oldest Member Messages 113 Location New York USA Nov 10, 2010 #13 holy *#&@ they saw me oh no my secret is shown Oh well back t the drawing board :(