When Mike Tyson sold the mansion to Paul Monea (of the Taebo informericals), it was seized shortly after by feds who were investigating Monea for a money laundering scheme. By then the property was already deserted and he paid only $1.3 million dollars.
As of right now the Monea family owes in excess of $231,000 from 2007 to be collected in 2008.$41,138.75 is the total due for 2007. The taxes apparently have not been paid in about 5-6 years. The house was listed on eBay by either Monea or Mr. Tyson back in 2005 for $3 million. The house is currently appraised at $2.3 million.
The 60 acre property is located in a remote area of Ohio in Southington. It features a 10,000 square foot house with five bedrooms, an indoor pool and overdone bathrooms. It’s well appointed with white tiger stripe carpet, gold plating and boasts a large facility for lions that Tyson used to keep as pets. He once bragged he’d spar with them to keep in shape.
The address is 3737 State Route 534, Southington, Ohio.
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<small><a href="https://maps.google.com/maps?q=3737 State Route 534, Southington, Ohio.&layer=c&sll=41.320276,-80.956374&cbp=11,293.05,,0,11.98&cbll=41.320279,-80.956288&hl=en&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=3737 Ohio 534, Southington, Trumbull, Ohio 44470&ll=41.320292,-80.956374&spn=0.003167,0.015718&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A&panoid=LpYVlHaKteK8oVacyBB4iw&source=embed" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>
Source: http://modernamazing.blogspot.be/2009/01/mike-tysons-abandoned-former-mansion-in.html