Merry Christmas!


My dog!
Bulgaria - Sofia
Hey guys, it's 24th December in Bulgaria atm. So i wish you guys a happy Christmas, enjoy your selves with maximum love from your families!!! :)
Best wishes, Bobo :woot:
Lol big mindfuck this morning, I learned that europeans celebrate christmas on the 24th while we do it on the 25th o.O
Nimphioüs said:
Lol big mindfuck this morning, I learned that europeans celebrate christmas on the 24th while we do it on the 25th o.O

Woah that is a mindfuck o.O
^ We don't, today (24th) is Christmas eve, we DO celebrate it the 25th.

Merry Christmas for you Bobo!
Merry Christmas guys :D
I won't do much today.
I'll go out with my girlfriend then for the night ima stay home with family and stuff, hoping I'll get this ::3:.
I got my girlfriend a nice bigass bear that "sings" if you touch its belly :D
Merry and christmas
and I wish you all a "the christmas tree is better than last year" :tongue:
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