McDonald's worker reports car stolen, sees it in her drive-thru lane hours later


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McDonald's worker reports car stolen — sees it in her drive-thru lane hours later

Fast food employee Virginia Maiden's 1995 Toyota 4Runner disappeared from her home in Kennewick, Wash. early Tuesday morning. That afternoon she saw it again at work, with the alleged thief at the wheel.


The McDonald's restaurant Kennewick, Wash. where employee Virginia Maiden's saw her stolen Toyota 4Runner get in line for the drive-thru window. She called police, who apprehended the driver in the parking lot.

A McDonald's employee whose car was stolen was shocked to see it pull up to her drive-thru window just hours later.

Virginia Maiden's 1995 Toyota 4Runner was boosted from her home in Kennewick, Wash. in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Without a vehicle, she managed to make it into work on time using public transit.

Incredibly, at 3 p.m. — just a few hours later — her stolen ride pulled up right in front of her restaurant.

Maiden called the cops and the 22-year-old driver, Katherine York, was detained before she could even make it out of the parking lot.

A male passenger was also taken in, but later found to be unconnected to the theft, reports KEPR-TV.

Cops said they found a "large amount" of clothing, complete with security tags, that had previously been stolen from JCPenney and Sears in the vehicle.

York was booked into the Benton County jail, reports the Tri-City Herald.

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