Max Payne 3 – TV Spot

And I was just going to post this, curse you! Awesome trailer, really looking forward to play this game.
Mauri said:
And I was just going to post this, curse you! Awesome trailer, really looking forward to play this game.
Same, honestly can't wait. Bulllet time ftw.
Maffia171 said:
So, did any of you guys play Max Payne 1 and 2?
I did. Max Payne was the first game I got for PS2 and overall they were 2 of the best games I've ever played.
On one hand, I can't wait for this game because I'm sure rockstar will deliver something great.
On the other hand I feel as though this won't be nearly as good as previous max payne games. From what I've seen it's just way too colorful :P
Maffia171 said:
So, did any of you guys play Max Payne 1 and 2?

I played both occasionally at a friend's house, but never owned the games myself.
Maffia171 said:
So, did any of you guys play Max Payne 1 and 2?
Completed them both, several times actually. Because I have played them both, and after watching gameplay footage, I have a feeling that this game will be a linear third person shooter and not the more or less semi-freeroam you had with the previous games.
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