Man arrested for being naked in his kitchen


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A US man is facing a charge of indecent exposure - after failing to get dressed before making himself a morning cup of coffee in his own kitchen.

A passer-by spotted Eric Williamson, 29, through his kitchen window in Springfield, Virginia, at 5.30am and reported him to the police.

Mr Williamson, a driver, from Hawaii, says none of his roommates were at home at the time, reports Fox News.

"Yes, I wasn't wearing any clothes but I was alone, in my own home and just got out of bed. It was dark and I had no idea anyone was outside looking in at me," he said.

The complaint came from an unidentified woman who was walking with a seven-year-old boy at the time.

A police spokesman said officers arrested Williamson because they believe he wanted to be seen naked by the public.

But Mr Williamson, the father of a five-year old girl, complained: "I am a loving dad. Any of my friends and anyone knows that and there is not a chance on this planet I would ever, ever, ever do anything like that to a kid."

Williamson faces up to a year in jail and a $2,000 fine, if convicted. He plans to fight the charge and says he may sue local police.

Source : Ananova
You know what's even more ridiculous?

The charges he's facing... 1 year in jail... I mean c'mon...
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