Lost in McDonalds play place


TMS Founder
LMAO me and GP were talking about this dumbass a couple days ago. Dude would drink his own piss even if there was a clean water supply!
^No, not really.
Actually, he only did it once in all the series as far as I am concerned.

I love his survival shows.
It was Man vs. Wild and it's more of an entertainment show. He doesn't actually teach you how to survive in those situations.

If you want a REAL survivor show, watch survivorman. I think it stopped showing but it's got quite a few of episodes.
Why drink his own piss? There is enough piss of little children in there...
He should save his for when he needs it.
Panki said:
Dear god, I always wonder how they get the cameraman through this shit.
The show had one episode showing the cameraman and how he gets through this shit in all the countries.
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