Just Cause 2 Demo drops in March 4


I shiggy diggy
The Netherlands
Just as promised, operative, you'll soon get your chance to bone up on your rocket car skills before entering the field, as the Just Cause 2 demo has been set for release next Thursday, March 4. The demo will arrive on Xbox Live, PSN and Steam and will grant access to 35 square miles of the Lautan Lama Desert -- one of the islands making up the game's promised 400 sq. miles of explorable Panau archipelago. So oil up that grappling gun and get your best black ops duds off to the dry cleaners. We want Rico looking mucho suavé out there!

Just Cause 2 is set to dive into retail on March 23 for the Xbox 360, PS3 and Games for Windows platforms.

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2010/02/26/just-cause-2-demo-drops-in-march-4/

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