Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,140 Location Belgium Sep 2, 2010 #1 Definitely check out 2:00-2:10 too! Afpc_EcohcY[/media]#ws
MiRc34 #3 Top Poster Hurr Durr. Messages 11,272 Location Romania Sep 2, 2010 #2 Nice precision. Thought the Swiss are the besyt, but w/e ;P
Aman1238 #swag Messages 4,644 Location United States Sep 3, 2010 #4 I was hoping someone would fall, but I guess that was too much to ask xD. Got bored in the middle
E ev0lution Well-Known Member Messages 161 Sep 3, 2010 #5 They're probably so coordinated because they'd get shot if they weren't.