Mave TMS Founder Administrator Messages 236,143 Location Belgium Dec 15, 2010 #1 Pretty impressive! GZ_2v0h-cS8[/media]]
K Kitty Meow Messages 518 Location Sarasota FL Dec 15, 2010 #3 That was awesome! That most have taken them forever since TV brodcasts at 24fps they did a lot of coin moveing awesome vid
That was awesome! That most have taken them forever since TV brodcasts at 24fps they did a lot of coin moveing awesome vid
MiRc34 #3 Top Poster Hurr Durr. Messages 11,272 Location Romania Dec 15, 2010 #4 These kind of things always require a bigass amount of time.
GPow69 EDM for life ♥ Messages 18,837 Location Canada Dec 16, 2010 #5 Wow, I almost didn't believe it until they showed how it was done at the end