I ordered a new PC :3


#3 Top Poster Hurr Durr.
So, with the help of WaFFLe and GPow for selecting some good components and the credit card not working till today ( -_- ) I finally ordered this :DD



It should arrive in a week or so... Chose fast delivery ;_;
So wat do you think about it? :3
Pretty nice stuff, though I would have gone with AMD stuff :P
Most likely because it's cheaper and (imo) better for what you get for that price.
Though if you have 50 euros remaining I would get a nice keyboard + mouse or a pretty neat speaker system.
^ Epic.

And yeh, I think I will be getting COD4 and some other shit... APB is kinda a disappointment and will be cracking MW2 (alterIWnet) for the IG menus and the full control (admin system) and there are enough players that are actually playing it than the people think, also, free Map packs in the future ;DD
MiRc34 said:
^ Epic.

And yeh, I think I will be getting COD4 and some other shit... APB is kinda a disappointment and will be cracking MW2 (alterIWnet) for the IG menus and the full control (admin system) and there are enough players that are actually playing it than the people think, also, free Map packs in the future ;DD

I could have told you APB sucks, because I was in the beta period.
Its a waste of money, even if it comes from one of the creators of GTA.

Also, what is it whit you guys and CoD?! Personally i like Bad Company alot(hehe) more, but that's my opinion.
^I just familiarized myself with the simple CoD engine... Love its simplicity and ease of use ;D
What's wrong with i7-920 then? Getting a pretty-much futureproof computer in that case.
Andre said:
What's wrong with i7-920 then? Getting a pretty-much futureproof computer in that case.

Well, waffle said that the best thing about the i7 is the Triple-DDR3 or something like that... And to use that I would need to upgrade my RAM and my motherboard which would go well over +300GBP... And to be honest I wouldn't be able to use THAT much power as I wont render anything or whatever... I just want a better PC that I can run games on medium or high on...
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