[Howto] Create a list of all files/folders in one folder


TMS Founder
The first thing you want to do is to locate to the directory you want the list of.
Then you copy the path, for example "C:\Users\Mave\Music\DnB\Vinyls"

Next thing you do is open up Command Prompt.

Now type "cd", a space, and then right click, and select 'paste'.
Next type "dir > filelist.txt"

The textfile can be found in the same directory you wanted to list the contents from.


And you're done!

Yeah indeed, great for when you want to share a list of all the mp3's/movies/... you have with someone.
Very useful if you're releasing a MEGA pack of Movies, songs, or anything else!

Thanks! :)
You can see, the command-line shell is pretty powerful. You can do things with it MUCH faster than doing things with the GUI.

A tip for the tip:
There is much input you don't need. So just use
dir /b > "file.txt"
and it will ONLY output the filenames.
You can also sort the ouput with /o and much more.
Mave said:
Lovely, I would love to see a list of all the possible commands :V
Then input "help" and you have a list. If you don't know how to use a command or what it does: "help commandname".
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