Head of Mozilla Says ACTA Is 'A Bad Way To Develop Internet Policy'


Be Patient.
One telling sign of the widespread concern about SOPA/PIPA was that the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, which oversees the open source Firefox and Thunderbird projects, abandoned its non-interventionist policy, and came out strongly against the bills. It first signed a joint letter sent to the key sponsors of both bills, and then modified its home page, pointing to further information about SOPA. That, in its turn, linked to a post entitled "PIPA/SOPA and Why You Should Care," written by Mitchell Baker, the Chair of the Mozilla Foundation.

Baker has now written another, entitled "ACTA is a Bad Way To Develop Internet Policy", which explicitly links ACTA and SOPA/PIPA:

One aspect of the controversy about ACTA is the closed process where only a tiny subset of people affected by the law were allowed to participate. Another great controversy is about the actual content of ACTA. We know that the goal of stopping unauthorized access to digital content can lead to very dangerous results. The proposed SOPA and PIPA legislation in the U.S made this abundantly clear. This is an area where even good intentions can lead to imbalanced and dangerous results.

The post is fairly restrained, and basically recommends that people should find out more about ACTA and "make their voice heard." But it's a further indication that people from all sectors are waking up to the problems with ACTA, just as they did with SOPA/PIPA.

source: http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120213/08263817745/head-mozilla-says-acta-is-bad-way-to-develop-internet-policy.shtml
Good guy MozillaFounder.

More leaders/founders from popular software/websites should step up like this.
I think some people really underestimate their influence.

People need someone to explain them why these copyright laws are REALLY bad.

Just because we on TMS know what these laws actually mean doesn't mean that everyone knows what their actual goal is and the possible consequences of it.
I can ask all my IRL friends what SOPA/PIPA actually mean/stand for. I doubt I'll get a goof answer from anyone.
No one here in Australia really knows about it, and if they do, they know very little about it. Maybe as much as it's abbreviation and that it's bad.

Mave said:
Good guy MozillaFounder.

More leaders/founders from popular software/websites should step up like this.
I think some people really underestimate their influence.

Some are more determined on receiving their profit then standing up and giving a damn.

However, thousands of websites protested SOPA (I think), when they all blacked-out in opposition of the bill. People just need to be taught further of the consequences of if this bill passes.

Of course, it would help if major news companies actually reported on these things. Oh, and if they weren't drafted and brought forward through Government secretly.
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