Goodbye iPhone 3G, welcome Blackberry Bold


TMS Founder

I don't think many people make a switch in this direction, but I'm going to do so tomorrow.

My iPhone was already second handed, and lately the battery only lasted a few hours.. which is pretty annoying.

So I asked my dad if he maybe had an old BB laying around at work, and he said he'd look for one at work.
Then this morning suddenly there's a brand new BB Bold on my desk :D
Thanks dad :3

It's going to be a pain in the ass to learn to type as fast as I can on my iPhone now though.
Also I must move all the contacts and my calendar notes etc from the iPhone to the Blackberry.

Looking forward to using it though.
Good for you. iPhones suck :P
I prefer typing on a mechanical keyboard, once you get used to it you'll find it a LOT better than a touch screen.
Wait, your dad has blackberries at work doing nothing? GIMME ONE :P

Enjoy your blackberry, and don't install weatherbug, cause it has bugs (seriously)
Blackbarrys kinda suck in my opinion. Their tech is way too far behind. The latest blackbarry has a touchscreen. Well, you might think, that is great isn't it? Not if you hear this. The way the touchscreen on that blackberry works is that there are 4 points where pressure is messured. You press at position A then the 4 points all get a different reading, from that the position is calculated.
I'd rather get a small addon from dealextreme for my ipod (a keyboard) then getting a blackberry :P
Impulse said:
Blackbarrys kinda suck in my opinion. Their tech is way too far behind. The latest blackbarry has a touchscreen. Well, you might think, that is great isn't it? Not if you hear this. The way the touchscreen on that blackberry works is that there are 4 points where pressure is messured. You press at position A then the 4 points all get a different reading, from that the position is calculated.
I'd rather get a small addon from dealextreme for my ipod (a keyboard) then getting a blackberry :P

Yeah but I'm on one of the latest models, WITHOUT touchscreen, so I'll be fine :3

GPow69 said:
Good for you. iPhones suck :P
I prefer typing on a mechanical keyboard, once you get used to it you'll find it a LOT better than a touch screen.

A lot of people have told me this, we'll see :P

ThePro said:
Wait, your dad has blackberries at work doing nothing? GIMME ONE :P

Enjoy your blackberry, and don't install weatherbug, cause it has bugs (seriously)

Nah, I'm only going to install stuff I really need.
Also no they're not just lying around, this happened to be a spare one, and I could have it :P

MiRc34 said:
Nice switch :D

Thanks :D
Mave said:
Impulse said:
Blackbarrys kinda suck in my opinion. Their tech is way too far behind. The latest blackbarry has a touchscreen. Well, you might think, that is great isn't it? Not if you hear this. The way the touchscreen on that blackberry works is that there are 4 points where pressure is messured. You press at position A then the 4 points all get a different reading, from that the position is calculated.
I'd rather get a small addon from dealextreme for my ipod (a keyboard) then getting a blackberry :P

Yeah but I'm on one of the latest models, WITHOUT touchscreen, so I'll be fine :3
Still, the blackberrys are pretty far behind with the technology compared to the other smartphones.
GPow69 said:
Impulse said:
Still, the blackberrys are pretty far behind with the technology compared to the other smartphones.

Why does that matter as long as it works>.>
It matters for someone who gives a tiny shit about it like me :p
^ I already did that, the internal charger is broken.
I'm just going to use it as an iPod now.
Impulse said:
Still, the blackberrys are pretty far behind with the technology compared to the other smartphones.

Not really, they just look like they're behind, but inside, the OS is amazingly stable and modern
It's like running a gaming computer on windows classic. It's not behind, it's just fast and stable so while the aesthetics may be lacking, the performance makes it all worth it.
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