The forum is now running Xenforo version 2.1.0!
What does this mean?

What does this mean?
- Native push notifications on supported devices/browsers
- Editor button management
- Enhanced editor integration and advanced BB code option syntax
- Markdown support
- Tables
- Reactions
- URL unfurling
- Emoji enhancements including an improved smilie menu with easy emoji access
- Video uploads
- Approval queue improvements
- Guest performance improvements including guest page caching
- Content bookmarking and sharing
- A fully featured REST API
- One click XenForo upgrades and easier add-on installation
- BB code and rich text editing for profile posts and comments
- The custom themes are currently semi-broken. I'll try to fix them as soon as possible -> I suggest switching to the "Classic" theme for now.
- Media embeds are currently not working. On it asap.