Firefox Launches Experimental Features: PageShot, Min Vid & Tracking Protection


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Firefox Launches More Experimental Features Including PageShot, Min Vid and Tracking Protection

As part of Mozilla’s Test Pilot program, three new experimental features have been launched. Mozilla’s test pilot program gives users early access to some amazing features which is still in development phase and would be launched in future as part of official installers.

In the beginning of this year, Mozilla launched this program with some great features such as:

Universal Search
Tab Center
No More 404s
Activity Stream

Along with the above, another three features is introduced now:

Page Shot
Min Vid
Tracking Protection

Here is a quick look at the new features. The features you can experience it after installation (installation guide at end of this article).

Page Shot

Mozilla introduced on-the-fly page-shot while you are browsing the web. Just with a click of a button in a tool bar. So you don’t need to reply on the operating system’s screenshot feature. Page Shot gives you option to select an area for the shot and you can directly share the image via social networking sites. The Page Shot uses for storing the images.


Min Vid

Min Vid features allows you to play tube videos in a smaller window on top of tabs so that you can continue watching the videos while browsing other tabs, do other work. This neat feature currently works with YouTube and Vimeo only and plans are there to extend to the popular sites.



Tracking Protection

Currently he tracking protection is only available for Firefox private browsing mode. Now with Tracking Protection experimental feature, it is available for general browsing and for all websites. You can however, enable/disable it site-to-site basis if you want.

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