Eve online is getting a TV show based on player stories


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Eve online is getting a TV show based on player stories


Massively multiplayer sci-fi game EVE Online is coming to your television screen, and it will feature stories inspired by actual player experiences. Developer CCP Games has announced a partnership with Icelandic filmmaker Baltasar Kormákur and his production company to develop the series, which will feature "an original concept and storyline set in the EVE universe," according to the developer. CCP is also encouraging players to submit their own in-game stories to help shape the show — and given just how crazy things can get in EVE, there will likely be plenty of amazing submissions.

"The opportunity to interact with the fans of the EVE universe directly opens up all sorts of exciting possibilities," Kormákur said in a statement. Unfortunately, there are no details on when we can expect the show to launch, though CCP did announce a separate partnership with Dark Horse for a comic series that will also take its inspiration from real player stories. The comics are slated to launch this winter.

Source: http://www.theverge.com/2013/4/28/4278946/eve-online-tv-show-based-on-player-stories
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